E  D  U  C  A  T  I  O  N
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  BA in FLE (Teaching French as a Foreign Language), CNED/ University of Grenoble, France.
1 9 9 8
  Post-graduate in English - Maîtrise (Literature, civilization, linguistics and translation theory), University of Nantes, France.
1 9 9 6
  BA in English (Literature, civilization, linguistics and translation theory),
University of Nantes, France.
1 9 9 5
  Bilingual degree (English and Italian)
University of Nantes, France.
1 9 9 2
  Baccalauréat B (Economics)
Lycée Saint Stanislas, Nantes, France.
P R O F E S I O N N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

Translation and localization into French of the ETWeb™ Enterprise software and upgrades by Stepstone Solutions (now Lumesse) and of the Stepstone French Website.

From November 2001 on
English to French Freelance translator for several translation agencies among which iLanguage.com, e-traduit.com, virtual-words.com, accentnetwork.com, translations.com, en2fr.com, e2f.com, Globallistings.info, TranslateMedia.com, etc. Projects include the translation and localization of:
SAP Projects
Online Web conferencing applications
E-Learning management systems
Storage solutions white papers
CRM applications white papers
Telecommunication products
Consulting and IT services white papers
Luxury hotels Websites
TV channels Websites
Environmental impact studies, etc.
August 2000 - October 2002

In-house French translator at iLanguage.com, Sosua, Dominican Republic (Translation and Globalization Services). Translation, proofreading, CRM, QA, online help, voice-over, Website and software localization. Projects include the translation and localization of:

Printer white papers
American series Websites
Collaborative Web solutions white papers
Image management systems data sheets
Internet security technologies website
A pay-per-click advertising website
And many others
October 1999 - July 2000
Linguist at the Force Headquarters N°2 in Nantes. English to French Translator for the staff, English teacher for civilians and soldiers. Projects include the translation of:
Articles on international geopolitics
Biographies of military leaders
Reports on international events
September 1996 - July 1997
French teacher at the Haberdasher's Aske School, Hertfordshire, UK. Teaching French as a foreign language, planning lessons and assessing. (Classes from 1st form to 6th form).
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